Monday, June 1, 2015

MDM Notification Framework and Types of Notification

Notification types and contents

Notification messages are constructed based on the notification type. A number of notification types are provided with InfoSphere® MDM out-of-the-box.
The existing notification business objects are defined as OSGi services using the CommonServiceFactory service pattern. The following are the default notification types.
Here is a sample blueprint service definition of a notification type:
<service id="A1PartySelectedNotification" interface="">
   <entry key="common.service" value="NotificationType.nt1"/>
  <bean class="">
   <argument type="java.lang.Class" value="com.dwl.base.notification.CommonNotification"/>
   <argument type="java.lang.Class" value="com.dwl.tcrm.coreParty.notification.A1PartySelectedNotification" />   
   <argument ref="blueprintBundle"/>   
The following table shows the information included within each type of notification object:
Table 1. Information included with each notification object
Notification TypeNotification ValueInformation Included
nt1A1 Party Selected
  • Details of original source party passed to Add Party transaction
  • Details of A1 matched party selected
  • List of other A1 matched parties found (exceptional case)
nt2Suspect Identification
  • Source party
  • Suspects marked to source party
nt3Auto Suspect Re-identification
  • Reason for Re-Identification (critical data change | critical data add | collapse parties | split party)
  • Before/After image if critical data change
  • Image if critical data add
  • Source party
  • New suspects to source party created
  • Existing suspects to source party updated
  • Deleted suspects
nt4Manual Suspect Entry Adjustment
  • Source/Target Parties
  • Before Status
  • After Status
nt5Element Change
  • Element Name
  • Element Identifier
  • Before and After Images of Element's Value.
nt6Delete Party History
  • Note of ‘Party history has been deleted for this party'.
  • PartyId
  • Additional Information
nt7Pending Critical Data Change Request
  • Element name
  • Before update
  • After update
nt9Update Product Suspects
  • Source product
  • List of suspects before update
  • List of suspects after update
nt10Delete Product Suspects
  • Source product
  • List of deleted suspects
nt11Add Product Suspects
  • Source product
  • List of added suspects
ntemEvent Manager to the Topic
  • Notification message for the happened Event

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