Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Extension condition parameters

When you define and describe an extension in the extension framework, you can also specify condition parameters that must be true for the extension to be executed.
The following lists some of the possible condition types along with their description.
Condition types and their condition categories can be customized by modifying the CDCONDITIONTP code table. For information on adding or editing code table values, see Code tables and error messages.
  • Action Category: Reserved for a future release.
  • Action Type: Reserved for a future release.
  • Company: Limits the extension execution to only those transactions whose <company> field in the XML header (Control) matches the value you specify here.
  • Geographical Region: Limits the extension execution to only those transactions whose <geographicalRegion> field in the XML header (Control) matches the value you specify here.
  • Line Of Business: Limits the extension execution to only those transactions whose <lineOfBusiness> field in the XML header (Control) matches the value you specify here.
  • Transaction Category: Applies the extension to a whole category of transactions. Choose from the following values: inquirypersistence, or all. If you select a transaction category, the Transaction Type condition must be left blank.
  • Transaction Type: Applies the extension to only to a specific transaction. If you specify a transaction name, the Transaction Category condition must be left blank. Transaction names are the names ofIBM® InfoSphere Master Data Management controller methods that perform the transaction processing. They are contained in <TCRMTxType> or <InquiryType> tags in the transaction XML messages. For more information see the reference topics about external lists of transactions and in the various Controller Methods sections of the TCRM.properties file.
  • Trigger Type: Specifies at what point during the transaction processing the extension is to be executed. You can choose from the following options:
    • Post Action: Executes after all of the Component level transaction processing has been completed.
    • Post Transaction: Executes after all of the Controller level transaction processing has been completed.
    • Pre Action: Executes before all of the Component level transaction processing has been completed.
    • Pre Transaction: Executes before any of the Controller level transaction processing has begun.

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