Thursday, April 16, 2015

MDM - How to enable performance tracking

Performance monitoring is disabled by default. To enable the performance tracking, you need to switch on the feature setting itself, then stipulate the level of monitoring that you want, and configure the performance statistics output file.
At minimum, you must make changes to two settings in the Configuration and Management Components:
  • Set the configuration value for /IBM/DWLCommonServices/PerformanceTracking/enabled to true
  • Provide a configuration value for /IBM/DWLCommonServices/PerformanceTracking/level (See Performance tracking levels for the available values).
Also in order to enable the logger to commence recording of performance statistics, you must specify the logging level using the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server logs and trace console. To commence logging you must set the following logging level:com.dwl.base.performance.internal.PerformanceMonitorLog=info in the IBM WebSphere Application Server logs and trace console.
Because the performance statistics are captured by the Logging component, the performance statistic output can be configured based on IBM WebSphere Application Server JDK Logging capabilities. It helps to configure logging optimally to get the correct size and rollover window for theperformancemonitor.log. To ensure proper capture of an elusive problem or to simply get a large statistical sample, we recommend dedicating about 2 GB to the rolling performancemonitor.log. This is typically enough to capture an hour of workload on an InfoSphere MDM in complicated and high-volume implementations. Find the following entries in the file in the InfoSphere MDM properties.jar archive:
A special logger handler has been written to format performance monitor output. This iscom.dwl.base.logging.handlers.PerfMonitorFileHandler and is accompanied by a dedicated formatter,com.dwl.base.logging.formatters.PerformanceLogFormatter. Normally you do not alter these in any way.
After both the CONFIGELEMENT and IBM WebSphere Application Server Logs and Trace changes, a IBM WebSphere Application Server recycle for the InfoSphere MDM instance will be required to enable InfoSphere MDM Performance Tracking. Once the server has recycled, any transactions sent to that InfoSphere MDM will be logged by InfoSphere MDM Performance Tracking.

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